If you are searching for a few ways to boost the efficiency of your tractor and keep it performing at its peak, you have arrived at the right place. As your local heavy equipment dealer, we at Gary’s Power Equipment know a few things about optimizing your machines to keep them functioning smoothly. That’s why our experts have created this guide to highlight a few things to prevent your tractor from becoming sluggish.

Read on to learn how to optimize your machine, and then visit our dealership for more advice. You’ll find us in Winchester, NH, where we happily welcome our patrons from Battleboro and Swanzey.

Check the Owner’s Manual

The owner’s manual that came with your tractor is the best place to find specific information about your model. Refer to your manual to know what products you should or shouldn’t use on your tractor, the maintenance schedule you should follow, and how you can optimize your machine and get the most of it.

Though this won’t provide you with the most exciting read, it will help you keep your tractor in its best performing form for years to come.

Store Your Tractor Indoors

You’ll also want to follow the correct storage procedure to protect your tractor from inclement weather conditions and theft. Avoid leaving your machine outdoors, which increases its chances of getting damaged. Keeping it indoors can help extend your model’s lifespan and keep it in tip-top shape, giving you one less thing to worry about when operating your machine.

Keep Ideal Time to Minimum

Letting your tractor sit idle for more than a few minutes will waste a lot of fuel and impede its performance. That’s why you’ll want to take all possible measures to ensure this doesn’t happen and follow your owner’s manual to see what works best for your machine.

We hope you find this guide handy when operating your tractor. For more advice or help to upgrade your machine to the latest model, visit Gary’s Power Equipment. Our dealership is in Winchester, NH, and we proudly serve Battleboro and Swanzey—so reach out today.